In accordance with Kazakhstan Visa legislation and decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, citizens of all member countries of the Organization of the Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), can travel to Kazakhstan without a visa and can stay there up to 30 days each entry. This rule is starting from January 1, 2017 and effective until 31st Dec 2017. United State of America is a member of the OECD since 12th April 1961.
Thus, American citizens do not need any visas if they want to visit Kazakhstan and stay there less than 30 calendar days. (There are some additional requirements for the former Kazakhstan citizens).
If American citizen wants to stay in Kazakhstan more than 30 days the visa is mandatory. But there is very convenient option, as recently Kazakhstan and the United States have agreed to issue ten-year reciprocal and multiple visas to ease travel between the two countries effective from December 29, 2016.
These ten-years multiple visas rules apply only to the American citizens, not to the US Green Card holders (citizen of the country that needs visa to enter Kazakhstan) or Stateless People with US Travel documents.
These categories of travelers ( US Green Card holders (citizen of the country that needs visa to enter Kazakhstan) or Stateless People with US Travel documents) may need Letter of Invitation ( or Visa Support) and Visa.
Please contact us if you are former Kazakh citizen, or planning to work, study, immigrate or would like to stay in Kazakhstan more than 30 days for some reasons. We will email you the appropriate Visa Application Packages. Each Package contains Checklist, Instructions and all Templates you need to apply for that Kazakhstan visa. Please read the Instructions thoroughly if you want your documents to be processed without any delays.
After you collect the documents according to our Visa Application Packages, please arrange for courier shipping as it will allow you to track your documents. Please send your documents to our office in Washington DC, USA:
Kazakh Service Center - US
1725 I (Eye) Street NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006 USA
Tel.: +1 888-800-9339 (or +1-202-286-8296)
The visas fee can be checked here
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